A healthy mind in a healthy body
Health protection is a management task at Wieland
At Wieland, health protection means more than the prevention of industrial accidents. The health management sees the well-being of the employees as a holistic objective. In order to achieve it, a large number of activities and programmes are offered, also in cooperation with the Wieland company health insurance fund.
Employees spend a large part of their time at work. It therefore makes sense to design the working environment in such a way that it is conducive to maintaining health. The creation and maintenance of healthy and safe working conditions has traditionally been a high priority at Wieland. However, occupational health and safety has long since ceased to have the sole aim of preventing damage and accidents. Rather, the aim is also to reduce illnesses, increase well-being and generally protect the health of the employees as a preventive measure.
And: Healthy, efficient employees are the basis for the company's success. This is why Wieland made health promotion a management task as early as 2006 and introduced a company health management system (BGM). Healthy employees in a healthy company is a goal that everyone can get involved in.
Wieland's health management therefore consciously controls and integrates all operational processes in order to promote and maintain the health of its employees. Not least because a good and healthy working atmosphere contributes to a higher motivation and to more well-being at work.
The ideal partner for all measures is the Wieland company health insurance fund. It can systematically and anonymously map data such as incapacity to work and illness in the company – and is therefore widely accepted. It also has a broad network of external medical experts. For example, two lighthouse measures have been developed together with the BKK to counteract the main causes of sickness-related absenteeism: the vitality workshop for a healthy muscular and skeletal system and the psychosomatic consultation hours to strengthen resilience.
In the vitality workshop, all employees can train or learn to enjoy movement once a week free of charge and close to their workplace in the company. The psychosomatic consultation hours are offered in cooperation with experts from Ulm University Hospital. They serve for early diagnosis and deal with life situations and possible strains on an individual basis. In addition, Wieland BGM and Wieland BKK together offer numerous other measures in the areas of exercise, relaxation and nutrition.